Hues of Rainbow" marks the debut publication of Mrs. Rajashree Chakraborty, featuring eighteen short stories, each centered around a key female protagonist. Being of Bengali origin, the author skillfully portrays the intricacies of Bengali families, offering readers a rich insight into the life, traditions, and culture of the region. The narratives showcase diverse perspectives on life, making the stories compelling. What unifies them is the exceptional storytelling, particularly in the portrayal of middle-class Bengali families. These stories illustrate how women, spanning various ages, navigate life's challenges with resilience and optimism. The female characters assume different roles—mothers, daughters, friends, lovers, wives, or mothers-in-law—providing a nuanced exploration of their experiences. In totality, the stories resonate with authenticity, allowing readers to connect with the characters on a personal level.
Rajashree has done her Master's (English and Applied Psychology), B.ed, N.T.T. She is a Teacher by profession. The author writes in school and college magazines. She likes gardening, painting, cooking, reading, travelling and listening music. She has a positive outlook towards life . She has tried to depict different experiences and lessons she had in her life through her stories in this book. Author believes -"Variety is the spice of life" and following that she has depicted various incidents in the characters' life through her stories with vivid colours of her imagination just like a rainbow.
Hues of Rainbow
ISBN : 9788193950494 Pages : 212 Binding : PB Year : 2022